Sheikh Ahmad Al-Ajami gives a little talk on our sisters in Islam and the impact the west has had on our way of life, followed by a beautiful recitation of a nasheed written by the Sheikh with the following words (and translation):
Tag: Poetry
Last night I laid in bed thinking for a good 3 hours, “who is she?”. I wondered “where is she?”. I asked “what’s her name?”. Those were a few of the questions I could not answer, but I can say the following about her:
She’s a Muslimah
She loves Allah and His Prophet above all
She loves me unconditionally
She would help raise and love my child as her own
She respects me
She honors me
She supports me
She makes me breathless when without her
She is breathless when without me
She pleases me as I please her
She understands me
She understands me
She understands me
She believes in me
She tells me all the things that bother her
She feels safe with me
She trusts me
She knows and believes that I would die for her
She wants to learn and grow together
She is all I think about
She is my other half and she completes me
She is my queen, my love…
She is… my WIFE!
Another free-style piece of writing… I’ve only got 10 minutes to spare while at the office so here goes:
So they say…
So they say who marries as a teen, fathers a child, and still be clean?
So they say a man can’t be divorced and innocent, it must be him – it must be me.
So they say he’s a Muslim, a talker, a liar, a cheater, how else could it be?
So they say who speaks of love and has a beard? He must be a hypocrite, he must be weird.
So they say love don’t last, it’s only a word, a thing that will pass. Sad ain’t it how they say what they say?
So they say… so they say… such are the things they say.
– Scribbler
I’m going to attempt to write another poem on the fly… I’m in a poetic mood right now… I Wait…
I sit here thinking, breathing, thinking
Remembering the days that have gone
Wondering of the days to come
Will I continue to cry?
They say time is a healer of things
Will this savior hasten to me?
We live, we learn, we die, we yearn
We yearn? We learn?
How does one set himself free?
Free of chains he cannot see?
Until I cease to yearn…
Until I truly learn…
I wait.

Scribbler's Book of Love
Since the dawn of man us humans have read, debated, lived, dreamed, and died for this 4 letter word called L O V E. Some were fortunate enough to taste the meaning of this powerful concoction of emotion, physical desire, and mystery across the many dimensions it resides on, some have waged wars only to die while uttering confessions of L O V E, and some remain blinded from this blessed curse.
I personally have claimed discovery of the meaning of L O V E several times, and with each discovery I have changed my view on what L O V E truly means. For me, what I thought to be L O V E always ended in disappointment and pain, however it always brought a more enlightened picture of what to expect when it DOES happen.

She trusts me not?
I wrote this poem approximately 10 minutes before publishing it… simply wrote it on the fly.
I hope you all like the first poem I share on
A conversation I had over the phone last night inspired me to write it; we discussed the important pillar of any relationship called trust, and so here it is: