
Google’s Ironic Search Result

3279369635_81d57afd3d_oI was looking today through some stats relating to; curious to see HOW people find me. Anyhow, one particular reader landed on my page by searching for “How to cure a broken heart?” on Google. haha… truly is ironic given that I myself am trying to figure out the answer to that question.

Speaking of which, I think I figured out the answer to that question yesterday; there is no cure, at most we can patch up our heart with whatever distractions there are in life, deal with it, force yourself to move on, and hope for the better. Read more…

Poem: Trusts me not

She trusts me not?

She trusts me not?

I wrote this poem approximately 10 minutes before publishing it… simply wrote it on the fly.

I hope you all like the first poem I share on

A conversation I had over the phone last night inspired me to write it; we discussed the important pillar of any relationship called trust, and so here it is:

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