There have been times where I’ve reached a dead end in trying to heal a relationship, justify an action, clear up a misunderstanding, or simply express my opinion, all because the person(s) involved would not talk to me. However the act of communication does not suffice on its own without all parties opening their minds and hearts. For example, I may sit down and pour my heart out regarding a subject, but if the listener(s) did not truly listen to every word and simply stuck by the conclusion made before ‘listening’ to me, it is pointless.

It should be assumed that communication includes a two-way transfer of messages AND a sincere consideration of all messages for the sake of avoiding oppression. In the end I believe that oppression is a result of ignoring that consideration.

  • When a wife expresses her desire to work in the field she is passionate about, and her arguments include points that prove it would not harm nor reduce the quality of life significantly of those around her, the husband should take it into consideration. To not consider her messages is oppression against her…
  • When a son pleads with his family about marrying a woman because of her good character, her morals, and her spirit, the family should consider supporting him despite their reservations about her age, or culture, or any other insignificant reason… To not consider his messages is oppression against him…
  • When a daughter desires to focus her studies on fashion design because she is in love with the arts of designing clothes, and possesses a talent in creativity within this domain, the parents should consider her studying this subject despite arguments of it not being ‘logical’ financially when finding a job. To not consider her messages is oppression against her…
  • When a friend does you wrong simply due to external factors which were forced upon them, you should consider listening to those factors and their apology. To not consider their message is oppression against them…
  • And so on… and so forth…

Of course we should not support extremes at all, Islam is a path of moderation; although consideration should be included within communication, consideration is only valid so long as the messages do not conflict with Islam. For example, it cannot be argued that parents should consider their son’s plan to quit school simply because he states “it’s not his thing”.

The purpose behind this post is to remind myself and all my brothers and sisters reading this, that we should open the lines of communication with each other. Listen to your loved ones, your neighbors, your friends, your colleagues, everyone reaching out to you… this world would truly be a better place if we listened to each other.

– Scribbler